ContextCapture User Guide

Command-line syntax and allowed options

Last updated: April 09, 2021

ExportUniqueMesh -i ... -o ... --tilingSRS ... --outputSRS ... [options]


path of the input tile list (mandatory)


path of the output directory. By default, use the working directory


path of the cache directory. By default, use the "cache" subdirectory of the working directory


output scene name. Default: "scene"

--help, -h

produce help message


definition of the tiling SRS, or path to its definition (mandatory)


tile size, in the unit of the tiling SRS (mandatory)


height of the tiling in the tiling SRS, in "zmin zmax" format (mandatory)


maximum texture size. Default value is 8192. Minimum accepted value for the texture size is 1024.


texture quality used for texture map compression between 0 and 100. Default: 75


level of texture sharpening. Default: 100


color source used for texturing: Visible or Thermal. Default: Visible


fill color for untextured facets, in RGB format (default: "128 128 128")


size of the overlap added around each input tile (absolute unit value). Default: 0


size of the overlap added around the LOD nodes, relatively to the LOD scale


length of the skirts added at the boundary of LOD nodes, relatively to the LOD scale (read more below). Default: 0 (no skirts)


output format. See below the list of possible values. Default is the 3MX format


type of LOD tree. Can be one of: Unary, Quadtree, Octree, Adaptive, BingMaps


relative size of level-of-detail nodes (read more below). Default: 1


definition of the output SRS, or path to its definition (mandatory)


3D position in the output SRS used as the origin of mesh coordinates. By default, an automatic origin is chosen


generate web application for formats supporting it (3MX and Cesium 3D Tiles)


for 3SM format, convert the output to a Web-Ready Scalable Mesh


Maximum number of CPU cores used for computation. Default: all CPU cores

Skirt: the skirt is an additional border included around each geometry node, to avoid cracks between the different parts of the mesh. The skirt is not tangent to the 3D model: it lies in the boundary of the 3D region of the node, and it is oriented towards the interior of the 3D model. For example, the skirt between two side-by-side mesh nodes is composed of thin vertical strips. The skirt length depends of the resolution of each node.